Unclogging a very dirty hose
My friend's vacuum cleaner was not functioning properly. It would barely suck up anything! One of the benefits of owing a small chain of local coffeeshops for a couple of decades was that I got to learn how to do basic vacuum cleaner repairs. I felt confident that I could get to the bottom of this problem. So I sat down on the kitchen floor and committed myself to checking out all of the hoses and attachments. I put my fingers into just the right orafices and felt around in there. I even used a tool to assist me. Within minutes, I located the beginning of the clog... and the dirt started coming out on the floor... Such a huge release for this poor, clogged-up machine! All I had to do was gently massage, shake and manipulate the hose in just the right ways. I knew I could do it!
What follows below is a three minute video of part of the process - for premium members. Enjoy!