Tryin' to Fuck my Therapist

Well fam, here's another hot "homework" assignment from Dan - a very talented client of mine. We have been working on his sense of erotic autonomy and agency. I have invited him to fantasize about me as a way for him to more fully claim his sexiness, and to deshamify his desires. The sessions that he and I do together are fully clothed - I use the boundaries of Somatica for my sessions - but there is no limit to where the imagination can go!

Also, while I'm on the subject, I'd also like to address a frequently asked question - "Do I have your consent to masturbate to your content?"

The answer is YES! AND, I have a request for you - which is this - why not do some sex magic while you are at it? If you are masturbating to my content, I invite you to also call to mind an intention that you have for yourself - a goal or something that you would like to manifest. Maybe you want a promotion at work, or world peace or to heal your relationship with your spouse... all of those are valid intentions that can be superpowered by juicing them up with your erotic energy.

And, without further ado, here is the sexy content from Dan, followed by a pic of me.