Preparing for the ultimate orgasm

In this newsletter:

Death. Let's talk about it.

Sex and death go together like - two siblings?

In Greek Mythology, Thanatos (the god of death) and Eros (the god of sex) are brothers. They are always near one another. Sex is a realm where self-destruction and self-creation intertwine.

In French, the word for orgasm is "la petit mort" - literally meaning "the little death".

What's your relationship with death? How does this relationship effect the way you live?

In the past decade, as my relationship to sexuality has deepened and become less full of fear, my relationship with death has also deepened. Many years ago, I had a dream that I was wrestling with another human who was also me, and she (the other Sarah) held a gun to my head. I was sick of the struggle between us, so I stopped resisting and waited for her to pull the trigger. As I waited, I surrendered to my imminent death and whatever pain would ensue. With my eyes closed, and little hesitation, she pulled the trigger.

As this happened, I crossed some sort of threshold, inwardly. I opened my eyes, only to realize that I was still conscious, but in a different way. I had stopped resisting my struggle with death.

I woke up from this dream with a new relationship to death. Ever since then, I have felt less afraid of it and more curious about what it will be like.

In that spirit, it is my pleasure to whole-heartedly recommend this "End of Life Preparation" six part workshop series that my dear friend and gifted facilitator Lee Warren is offering. There is never an easy time to do this work. But there are people who can make the work easier and Lee is one of those people. I love being in Lee's circles. She creates brave, thoughtful and transformational experiences, using connection, co-creation and deep presence.

"There is no task as urgent for us as to learn daily how to die.” -Rainier Maria Rilke
End of Life Preparation Workshop - Reclaiming Wisdom
Six Part Workshop Series with Lee Warren End of Life Preparation Practical, Emotional, and Spiritual Planning for the End of Life Journey Creating clear end-of-life intentions is important for all stages of life and health. Preparing both internally and externally is a life-long endeavor. As you get clear about your intentions, writing them down helps […]

But wait, there's more! If you sign up for Lee's course, you also get a free ticket to either the April Cuddle Party or the PG-18 Play Party, both on April 6th. Just email me (replying to this email works) to let me know you signed up.

Free Coaching

So while I am promoting unique and powerful offerings from others, I want to tell you about my friend Sage. He is a newly minted Somatica coach who is generously offering his services to non-paying clients. In my conversations with Sage, I have found him to be very well attuned, grounded and knowledgeable. If you're wanting to uplevel your intimacy skills, or are tired of your same old patterns of dating or relationships, please don't hesitate to schedule a discovery call with him. I loved our collaborative conversation about the nature of consent while he was writing this wise and insightful article.

Good for a Laugh

"DATING OLDER" (by Charles Tipton)

Younger women should consider an old guy like me instead of getting a dog

I'll always be happy to see you

I come with my own house

I can pay my own vet bills and buy my own food

I don't shed too bad

At 5am I'll still be asleep you won't have to get up and feed me or walk me

In ten or fifteen years you can bury me in the back yard and get another one or decide you don't want another 

Upcoming Events

Y'all things are selling out! So if you wanna go to one of these things, buy a ticket soon.


Women Naked By The Fire - In Person Mini Retreat & Potluck
An in-person sisterhood mini-retreat in Stanton, KY - created to stoke the flames of your inner fire in a supportive and safe circle.


February - Love Life Sharing Circle - Free Online
This month’s sharing circle will focus on the power and mystery of love.


April Cuddle Party - Louisville
Saturday, April 06, 2024 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm What is a Cuddle Party? Cuddle Party is … a Movement! It’s about compassion, affection and touch. We humans need touch and affection. It’s no longer a question. Nurturing, welcome consensual touch is good for you! Good for
PG-18 Play Party - Louisville
Saturday, April 06, 2024 7 pm to 10 pm Join us for a “PG-18 rated” celebration of touch, affection, play and consent. Like the afternoon cuddle party, you will be guided through a series of structured exercises, all designed to help you improve your skills and awareness for intimacy and
Celebrating the Body Erotic - In Person Retreat in Kansas City
This is The Workshop that changed my life, many years ago, and started me on this whole path of embodiment, liberation, and re-coupling sex and spirit. Check it out!


The Pleasure of Conscious Kink - May 2024 - A Tantric Healing Retreat
Join us for a weekend of play, pleasure and exploration to support your journey of erotic liberation and ecstatic embodiment.