September Members Event - Online Play Party

Thursday September 21, 2023

7:30 to 9 pm Eastern - and there may be an afterparty

Complementary for Premium Members, Women and Non-Binary Folks

This month's gathering is again going to focus on PLAY, since play is first of all so much fun, and also is such an important skill/muscle/capacity when it comes to embodiment, eroticism, healing and self -realization.

If play feels edgy or uncomfortable for you, I encourage you to lean into this, and consider joining us anyway. I'll be consciously aware of making this experience a safe place for learning and exploration. The first way I do that is by introducing a bit of structure, in the form of an agenda and some community agreements, probably right after we do a short embodiment practice together (which will be guided - likely will involve movement).

We'll be leaning into these principles of "meaningful play", adapted from Maria Montessori's educational philosophy:

  • Everyone gets to choose when and how they want to play.
  • Play is pleasurable.
  • Play flows from intrinsic motivation.
  • Play allows us to become immersed in the moment.
  • Play is spontaneous, not scripted.
  • Play thrives in prepared environments where people can experiment and try new things.

NOTE: NUDITY WILL BE ALLOWED AT THIS PARTY. So by attending, please know that you will be consenting to potentially witnessing the nudity of others. Potentially MY nudity - most of you know how much I love to be naked. Ever since my lap dance for Jesus this past Christmas, I've been a born-again stripper.

Our gathering will include introductions and getting to know each other. We'll check in by sharing a bit about our relationship to play - what makes it feel easy to play and what holds you back. And then we'll invent a game or games to play together. It can be as sexy as we make it together.

Additional note - please arrive on time. Since there will be agreements set at this gathering, I won't be admitting newcomers after 7:40 pm.

To get the most out of this gathering, plan to join without distractions, so you can really participate and play with us. It won't be as much fun if you are driving or multi-tasking. Come prepared to engage with others online. Bring your playfulness and your sense of adventure. Prepare to meet some other amazing humans like yourself who are in this beautiful community.

Recipe for reclaiming erotic innocence: set adult boundaries and then play like children!

If you're curious about what these online play parties might be like, here's an article for you:

What might happen at an online play party?
As recently as a couple of years ago, I would have found the idea of an online play party pretty intimidating. What might happen? Will it be socially awkward? Will I know what to do? Will I feel included? Today, I hosted our Monthly Members Gathering Online. It was a