Instagram live tomorrow with Susan Coates!
Tomorrow (March 13th) around 1:15 pm eastern, this sexy lady and I will be on Instagram live... my handle is @sarahbelzile_guide and Susan's is @susancoatescoaching - I hope you can tune in with us! Susan is a very skilled coach and a teacher for The Somatica Institute, which is how we met each other. I adore her!
Our intention is to lean into the mutual interest we have in each other and see what happens - using our nerdy Somatica skills for vulnerability, curiosity, intimacy and play. I really admire the way Susan also lives by the principle of "magic is everywhere you make it". We're going to try to break down some of the skills and capacities that go into creating this magic in our lives, and how we can each learn those skills.
Given what's happening right now politically, it seems even more important that we find ways to create this magic because so much of what is happening seems so scary and destabilizing...
Hope you can come play with us tomorrow!