Forest Fairy Meet & Greet

Forest Fairy Meet & Greet

Monday, March 17, 2025

7 - 8:30 PM

A whole team of people are working together to organize a Forest Fairy Festival - May 29 to June 1, 2025 in the Red River Gorge. This is a gifted group of instructors, artists, guides, lovers, body workers, makers and sparkly humans.

I have a vision for this festival (create a magical experience communing in the forest together) but I don't exactly know what it's going to be like, since we're creating it together for the first time.

This "Meet and Greet" (yes, I know it's also St. Patrick's Day 🍀) will be equal parts informing, socializing and creating.

We'll start the gathering with some magic-making - possibly some interpretive dance from me (and maybe others) about how the fairies have been working with me and in me and all of us through this project.

Then I'll give an update on how the vision has evolved, where we are with the planning. We'll have introductions and check-ins from the team members who can make it, so everyone can get a sense of how this is coming together.

This meeting is for the team, and it's also perfect for folks who may be considering coming to the festival, or who are possibly interested in Forest Fairy Training School.

I hope to see you there!

Clothes are staying on for this meeting!