Morning Erotic Practice for All Folks (online)

I am now leading this practice once a month - on the fourth Friday.

Join us for a 60-minute morning practice for people of all expressions. This practice will support you in staying more connected to your body, your pleasure, and your turn-on throughout your day, your week and your life!

The practice starts with some free movement to music, then some grounding and breathwork. We often work with the chakras - the energy centers in the body. Then I will guide some self-touch, starting with the hands, arms, face, neck, chest. The intention for the practice is to focus on your own pleasure and connecting with yourself through touch and breath and awareness. For the next part of the practice, we move to genital touch. I will cue some ways to touch yourself that will likely NOT be your habitual ways of pleasuring yourself.

Cameras may be on or off during the practice, but we do ask that cameras be on for the beginning of the practice so that everyone can see/meet everyone else. The last part of the gathering is an opportunity for connection/socializing - a chance to meet other people who are on a similar embodiment journey.

Full nudity on screen is allowed but not necessary. So if you come to practice, please be aware that there will be naked people on the screen, most likely.

During the self-touch part of the practice, I turn the music up and just allow you all to play and enjoy for about 10-15 minutes. Then I turn on some "savasana" music, very calming music, during which time the invitation is to simply rest and allow the energy that you have raised to circulate and settle and integrate.

Class is $20 for the session. Hope to see you there!