Erotic Shadow Play Event (August Members Meeting)

Erotic Shadow Play Event (August Members Meeting)

Monday, August 26, 2024


7:00 - 9:00 PM EST

6:00 - 8:00 PM CST

Please join us for a two hour exploration of erotic shadow work (and play!), facilitated by Adam Chacksfield and supported by Lauren Higdon, Sarah Belzile and Allison Kemphaus.

This work is so powerful. It has changed my erotic life and given me a way to empower myself to lean into uncharted areas of my erotic self. I am so excited to share this with you!

What exactly is erotic shadow work/play? There are at least two different ways to access this work. One is by leaning into areas where we feel limited erotically - limited by things like shame, fear, old stories and jealousy - and then finding ways to introduce pleasure to the experience. Another way is by starting with pleasure, and then bringing in something to be healed or transformed - shame, fear, jealousy and/or previous trauma.

Then what happens? Alchemy! Embodied magic! When we use one of the processes described above, there are inevitable shifts in our inner landscapes.

During our time together, we will have some discussion, sharing opportunities and also a demonstration of what erotic shadow play looks like.

Clothes will stay on for this event.

This event will also be a great time to get to know our facilitator, Adam Chacksfield, as he will be here in Kentucky in October facilitating a four day retreat for us. Learn more about the retreat here:

Playing in the Dark - A Three Day Retreat of Connection and Eros
October 3-6, 2024 Red River Gorge, KY Join us for a three day experience of transforming the stuck places in your intimate life through the process of making love to your shadows.

$30 for non-members

Free for premium members! (Which is only $20 per month, so if you sign up for a month, then you get all my premium content and you get a complementary ticket to this event)