Today, I sat down to write and this rant about FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) came out.
When we say yes to something because of FOMO, what are we really saying yes to?
We are saying yes to fear, to scarcity, to the stories our mind is making up, and to maintaining the status quo of our lives.
What's a more interesting and embodied alternative?

And a reminder about our two December events - wouldn't it be funny if I said something like "DON'T MISS OUT!!" after just writing that blog post? Of course I'm not going to say that because FOMO is exhausting!
So instead I'll say - feel into what your body says - is your body a YES to either one of these events? If so, we'd love to see you there.

You'll hear from me one more time this week... I'm working on getting the Conscious Kink Retreat registration live and it should be ready soon!