A day in the life of a professional forest fairy

Maybe one of my weirder newsletters? We're gonna talk about body odor as well as the Inner Transgressor - because that's just my job, as a professional forest fairy - to flit around to these unlikely topics and make them fun. It's all about letting that freak flag fly, my friends!

This week, during my forest bathing time, I realized that it's the last few days of the lighter green, soft spring leaves. Next week, when I go to nibble on some of my favorite wild edibles (wild lettuce, sourwood, wood sorrel, japanese knotweed, spice bush, sassafras, oxeye daisy leaves, to name a few) they won't be so tender. The temperatures are going to rise to summer heat levels, and many of the leaves are going to get darker, more leathery and stiffer as they withstand the extra ten or twenty degrees. I have spent the past few days drinking in these last luxuriously soft spring days - wading the creek in front of my house, wandering on the quiet roads nearby, sniffing the plants and the microclimates that await around every turn. I inhale the mist that rises off the creek in the morning, the damp earthy smell that hangs in the folds of the hollers, and the scent of honeysuckle as it wafts across my yard.

And this morning I noticed that my armpits have a really pleasant scent... I think that's because I've spent so much time in the past few days deeply and intentionally inhaling these nuanced fragrances, and it has signaled to my nervous system that it should produce my body's "I am calm" smell, which is correspondingly lovely. If you don't take the time to sniff your own pits (without any deodorant or anti-perspirant), I highly recommend it. It's a great way to keep tabs on what is going on with your own body, and to get more comfortable with your natural somatic intelligence. There's a big difference between nervous, anxiety-laced body odor, and the smell of you when you're calm and relaxed. Try it, you might just like yourself a little bit more...

Which brings me to the next few topics.

First of all, I want to invite you to join me for this "Shadow Work" event, that I am hosting with my friend Cas. It will be a discussion about the Inner Transgressor, the part of us that thrives on crossing boundaries, both consciously and unconsciously. This will surely be a provocative (and possibly triggering) conversation. The Inner Transgressor is the part of us that wants to prove something and also wants to push things (and people) to their limits - or beyond. This aspect of the psyche can cause harm, and/or it can be the driving force behind innovation and creativity. During our conversation, we'll share why this work has been so meaningful and tender for both of us, as well as how this Inner Transgressor shadow can serve in a constructive, consensual way.

Shadow Work Discussion - June Members Event
Join me, Sarah Belzile and my friend Cas Smith for a provocative discussion about what we’re calling the Inner Transgressor - the part of us that thrives on crossing boundaries, both consciously and unconsciously. The format for the event will be a discussion between Cas and me about how

And - if you can - please join me June 20-25 at the Firefly Gathering in North Carolina! I'll be teaching Introduction to Ecosexuality, and hosting a Cuddle and Play Time session.

Introduction to Ecosexuality at Firefly Gathering
I’m so thrilled to be offering a class on Introduction to Ecosexuality at the Firefly Gathering again this year! This festival feels like a pilgrimage to me - a pilgrimage back to myself, to the Earth, to the person I am most meant to be on this planet.

The weekend after Firefly, I'll be facilitating this incredibly powerful women's workshop for the Body Electric School. This is the workshop that started this whole erotic, embodiment journey for me, almost 10 years ago now! I am thrilled to now be sharing this work with others.

Celebrating the Body Erotic Workshop - for Women
June 30 - July 2, 2023 Charlotte, NC It is such an honor to be facilitating this “Women’s Temple” experience this summer. This was the workshop that started my entire embodiment journey! I am honored to have the privilege to be sharing it with you. This workshop is for all

Here's me and my beloved friend and facilitation partner, Lauren, from a moment during Women Naked in the Woods Retreat - right before the clothes came off.

Lastly, click here for a few "sky clad" pictures of me, doing my forest fairy work (for premium members).

Forest Fairy Work
Embodiment and Intimacy Guide

I hope you're keeping it weird out there, my friends, and don't forget to sniff those pits!

Love, Sarah